Racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, and other bigoted behavior is not welcome.
Respect your guild members, who are from a wide range of countries and cultures.
We are all mature players, we tolerate some swearing but not excessive swearing.
Don’t turn the guild chat into a place for private arguments and disagreements. Also, keep politics, religion, sexuality, gender-identity and other sensitive topics out of the guild chat at all times.
As a guild member, we expect you to not spam the world chat or any other chat channel at any time.
Loot Rules
Absolutely no ninja-looting will be tolerated.
Needing for an item which you don’t need, or already have, warrants an instant kick. If you came to another agreement with your group, and can prove this with screenshots, the aforementioned rule does not apply.
Game Rules
Botting, account-sharing, gold-buying and power-levelling are against the Blizzard TOS and will result in an instant kick.
Being inactive for more than 3 months, without prior notification and justification to an officer will result in you being demoted to the lowest rank. Being inactive for 3 more months will result in a kick.
The enforcement of the rules is to the sole discretion of the officers of this guild. While we try to be as clear as possible in our rules, there are sometimes people who try to bend them.
Raiding Rules
If you’re raiding with us, we expect you to be on time at all times.
If you cannot show up on time for any reason, please inform an officer ingame or on discord as soon as you can.
We expect you to adhere to all of the above rules towards all outside members of the WoW community as well, as any bad behaviour from a guild member can potentially negatively impact on our guild’s reputation.